My Journey

Sunday, March 02, 2008

I Miss...

Sunburned walks around Lake Calhoun with a picnic just when my feet need a rest.
Breakfast at Spyhouse (or banana milkshakes way too late at night).
That little Italian place we stumbled upon once...I live in NYC and still haven't found anything that comes close to it.
Good, new music and the way he would sing really high with his hat backwards and I would just laugh because nothing I could do would stop him.
The way she sang as she got ready, always smelled like tangerines, and always seemed happy, even when she wasn't.
Her apartment, which later became our apartment, and how peaceful it was....and how she was so real and in touch with who she was.
Hikes....long ones that made your lungs burn, and bike rides around lake Bemidji.
Studying around the lake and in some obscure corner in the back of the library.
How it always felt like home....


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