My Journey

Friday, June 23, 2006

I drift between being ready and not ready but mostly I just want to pack up my car and drive back to Minneapolis and live in my aparment and have life be just as it was a month ago.
Why is forcing change (phrase stolen from her) so necessary to do the things I want to do in life? Dreams are much easier to live when they're only inside of your head.
I know I'll be fine, but there's always that 'I'll hate it there and make no friends and life will be hell' fear. I felt like this right before I left for college, too, only now I'm leaving 2 homes instead of 1...and then there's this boy who I expect to just walk in the door at any moment, enabling my life as I loved it to return to normal, only now he's 500 miles, soon to be 1,000 miles away and things are oh so un normal.


  • At 1:35 PM , Blogger Jake said...

    change is almost better than bacon, or in your case...bean sprouts topped with bean sprouts on a bedding of free range tofu? I love that you're a vegetarian julie, it provides so much HILARIOUS material


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