My Journey

Monday, March 12, 2007

Our current reading/writing unit is poetry. My kids are super in to it, and at the beginning of the unit I brought in some of my writing to share with them. One of the pieces I brought in was a poem I had to write as part of a 'getting to know you' exercise at institute this past summer about the little moments where we come from.
I couldn't help but be reminded of it yesterday as I talked to my niece on the phone. She, in all of her 2 year old glory, laid on the bed, her feet propped up against the wall, and told me an elaborate story about how she was flying a plane with her brother and sister (imaginary, mind you) and saying hello to me as I sat on the clouds. Every story she tells me has something to do with planes. It has a lot to do with the fact that she thinks I live at the airport. Who's to blame her? It's where she's picked me up and dropped me off every time I've come to visit. To her it means I live there. To me it means I'm gone too much....

I'm From...
I'm from snow day secrets
Broken trees and duct tape
From an 'I'll never tell' bond stronger than the blood
That made us sisters

I'm from family get togethers
Cake, laughter, and enough food to feed an army
From unconditional love and support and a group of people
That will forever be my home

*We only had 5 minutes to write...maybe someday I'll finish it...*


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