My Journey

Monday, March 21, 2005

Back in Bemidji for 2 days. Had coffee with Amy last did I miss her. Phone conversations are not the same as Caribou conversations, and I was in need of a Caribou conversation. We talked about boys and life and all that had happened in the last week. She prepared me for my interview and listened as I sorted out my future.
Today was thesis case study interviews, work, homework, and laundry.
Tomorrow will be more work, Senate, class, packing, and leaving again.
Wednesday will be home - WAHOO! The closer it is to tomorrow the worse I feel for leaving. I should be here for Senate, for work, for classes...but I really do not care. Something is drawing me home and I can't wait to be there. Everything here will either work out or it won't and the world will not cease to turn just because I leave for 5 days.
Monday will be a return to the cities, Tuesday my Teach for America interview, a quick lobby visit to Skoe, Sailor, Ruud and Moe, then back here for night class.
The drive to the cities is becoming something I despise. It's long and boring and lonely and full of too much 'in circles' thinking. All of this running only makes me more restless and focused on the time I will not make the drive back to Bemidji because my time here will be over.


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