My Journey

Saturday, October 07, 2006

He finally realized what I'd known all along...that in my heart there is a lot of love for someone that isn't him.
That someone's phone calls and company and opinions take priority over his....that he was not the one that I called at the end of a bad day and that he probably never would be.
I realized that I really didn't like being introduced as his girlfriend or having to make time to see him when I didn't want to and that at the bottom of all of this is someone searching for a home in a place where, even on the good days, she constantly misses the life she had.
Today at our grad classes I talked with people as homesick as I was. Someone from Michigan was talking about how everyone she knows from Minnesota is really missing it - that there must be something incredible about it.
It was meant to be a compliment.
It almost made me cry.
My heart is seriously trying to tell me something my mind doesn't want to hear.


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