Thanks to the help of friends, a UHaul, and finally living in a building with an elevator, our stuff is in our apartment. After a trip to Target and driving the truck back to the Bronx, we came back, cleared a place for the bed, took a cold shower (broken boiler), ate sushi (who knows where the dishes are?) and crashed for a short night (poor New Boy had to work today).
We are living in mountains of boxes. Jack loves it. Tons and tons of stuff to chew on, then even more stuff to hide behind when I yell at him for chewing on things. Puppy heaven, human hell.
Tonight it's pasta and veggies for dinner. An attempt at bringing some kind of normalcy to the chaos, and something I can do without feeling super, incredibly overwhelmed....
(Pardon the bad pics...they're from my phone. The camera is in a box...somewhere. The cord for the camera is in another box....somewhere.)