New Beginnings
In a neighborhood where there's sushi and non-Starbucks coffee, vegetarian chinese with brown rice takeout, mexican food with whole wheat tortillas, and lots of bodegas to feed the Boy's ever growing diet coke habit.
We do laundry at the laundromat and sit outside on the benches talking After 2 years of ups and downs and a year of waking up next to him everyday, we still have things to talk about, and he still makes me laugh. This can only be a good thing, right?
People in the neighborhood know our name.
There's a 24 hour bakery across the street.
Life finally feels....comfortable.
We do laundry at the laundromat and sit outside on the benches talking After 2 years of ups and downs and a year of waking up next to him everyday, we still have things to talk about, and he still makes me laugh. This can only be a good thing, right?
People in the neighborhood know our name.
There's a 24 hour bakery across the street.
Life finally feels....comfortable.