My Journey

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Tonight I skipped class to have sushi with the Boy and take the Dog to the dog park.
The only disappointment was that we just missed the ice cream trucks. We hurried home just as the sun went down, only to see them drive over the bridge on their way back to the Bronx....we have yet to have our first dip cones of the season.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Basketball, Sex, And The City

So the Boy and I went to a Knicks game on Friday night.

Yeah, the Knicks are pretty pathetic, but it's almost April (go Yanks!), and guess who was there?!

And it's Easter...and for the first time in 3 or 4 years I will be spending it away from my family.
Today was the first day in the entire 3 years my niece has been alive that someone else took her to my home town's Easter Egg Hunt, and tomorrow I will not watch the sun rise with other members of my church.
Growing up these traditions were burdens but now, I find myself going to the grocery store at 10:00 on a Saturday night, buying food in an effort to make Easter feel like much as it can, anyway, without flying home.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Today we had a normal day, or normal for us.
Whole wheat french toast and red pears for breakfast, reading the first part of the Sunday New York Times (which, in NYC, is actually delivered on Saturday), and going for a hike with our fur baby.
Paying bills...planning meals...and the boy only worked 4 hours :)
Life is different here, but today, at least for a while, it felt like we were normal.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Just bend the pieces ‘till they fit
Like they were made for it
But, they weren’t meant for this
Dashboard Confessional

It's 11:00 on a Friday night and the Boy still hasn't left work. This would not be a concern if he had not gone in at 7:30 am, and if he had gotten home before 10:30 last night, or before 9:00 the night before....but this is the story of his new job.
To people who don't live in New York, this is what life is like here. People work long hours, it's the city that never sleeps....blah, blah, blah.....but if it's your real life, it's not glamorous. I never see him, and it will only get worse, and I have to ask myself, is that what I want for my life?
He loves this job and this city and I, neither one, only him, but can I settle for someone who crawls in to bed so late I don't even remember him coming in?
Is this how I want to life my life....raise my children?
There is more to life than money (and the funny thing is the Boy could be a public school teaching and make more than he's making right now).
Relationships were not made for this, at least not ours....or maybe it's just me.......I'm not made for this.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

I Miss...

Sunburned walks around Lake Calhoun with a picnic just when my feet need a rest.
Breakfast at Spyhouse (or banana milkshakes way too late at night).
That little Italian place we stumbled upon once...I live in NYC and still haven't found anything that comes close to it.
Good, new music and the way he would sing really high with his hat backwards and I would just laugh because nothing I could do would stop him.
The way she sang as she got ready, always smelled like tangerines, and always seemed happy, even when she wasn't.
Her apartment, which later became our apartment, and how peaceful it was....and how she was so real and in touch with who she was.
Hikes....long ones that made your lungs burn, and bike rides around lake Bemidji.
Studying around the lake and in some obscure corner in the back of the library.
How it always felt like home....