Yesterday on MPR they had a story on the potential new stadium for the Vikings/Twins/Gophers.
While the whole story pissed me off, the quote that made me scream at the radio was, "The Twins, Vikings, and Gophers want a new stadium." Like THAT is the reason that the state should invest over $100 million into the damn thing.
Well, dear Legislators, this is what I want.
I want to be able to go to school and not have to work 30 hours a week in addition to taking out $5000 in loans to pay for it.
I want to teach kids in a large classroom with all the necessary equipment and not have to waste dozens of instruction days on your standardized tests.
I want my friends who can't afford insurance to be able to get the medical care they need.
I want my students at the Y to be well taken care of. Many of their parents can't even afford to buy food and diapers.
I want people to be able to find jobs that pay more than $9/hour after graduating from college.
I want to not have the urge to pack my bags and leave the country after every speech I hear our president make.
There are things our state needs a lot more than a stadium. Help the people that need it, and let the whiney professional athletes, their coaches, and the team owner pay for their own stadium.